Thursday, February 19, 2009

because I'm a sheep

yeah, because the main thing I need in life is ANOTHER JOURNAL. I already have an old-school paper journal, a Livejournal, and assorted ramblings that get saved all over the place or written down all over my room...but, alas, now I has a blog as well. what I'll be writing about remains to be seen. Maybe creative rambling-type things with inconsistent capitalization? Maybe the Penguins? Who knows.

Anyway. The title of the blog is taken from a song from Rent, because despite not being a Broadway-type person, I adore Rent, and if I were any fictional character in the world it's pretty much indisputable that I would be Mark Cohen. Gender is irrelevant.

It's going to be an interesting experiment to see how long I can write in this blog without anybody knowing it exists. Ready, set, go.