Wednesday, January 19, 2011

and i think to myself, what a wonderful world

here's how my first 48 hours back in Boston went:

- touched down in Logan, took a shuttle that I never knew existed back to campus. went to the newspaper office, where I was until roughly 2:15 AM.

- slept from about 3:20 AM to 5:25 AM, went to the radio station for a 6-8 AM show.

- passed the fuck out from 8:30-10:30. this was my night's sleep.

- had class, came back to the newspaper office, was here until 3:45 AM because of a goddamned Russian-novel-length basketball preview. went to sleep at like quarter to 5 AM.

the not being dependent on caffeine thing was happening. I don't foresee it happening for much longer. mmmm Dunkies coffee, in which you can't even taste the coffee because of the liquid tons of cream.

it's not all bad. it's not even mostly bad. it doesn't even really get dark at night where I live. that is, 7 PM looks about the same as 4 AM, and the sky gets more grayish than black, or at least that's how it looks in the middle of Kenmore Square. at 4 AM.

and snow in the city is weird, because there's nowhere to put it once they scrape it off the streets, so they just pile it up along the sidewalks, and the eight-year-old in me wants nothing more than to climb on it. I mean, fifteen-foot-high stalagmites of frozen-over, old gray snow, piled up against streetlights and consuming mailboxes and bike stands (I saw a bike that was 85 percent buried. unreal). what else am I supposed to do on my way to class?

the morning of the radio show I was walking to the station at about 5:50 AM, the T had just started running again and it had just started snowing a little. when my co-DJ and I left at 8 there were two inches of snow on the ground and more falling, and it was quiet. you know how it gets quiet when there's a sudden huge snowfall? those big frozen-over piles of ice had all this new snow on them, and you couldn't find the crosswalks so people were just crossing everywhere. couldn't see the train tracks, anything. we just kind of walked along in awe.

and then it rained like three hours later, and there were knee-deep puddles down the street from my dorm. weatherpocalypse 2011.

I'm in this rad history class that's history of the US, 1968-present, and today we talked about our first "public" memories, i.e. the first time we realized there was a bigger world outside our house/school/family. mine's the 2000 election, which made me think that every election had to be decided in a recount that went on for months. that or the fact that every time I wanted to watch Sesame Street during 1995, the OJ Simpson trial was on, and it pissed me off.

I could ramble forever. I have all these middles of stories written and only a few beginnings. I might go to Dublin this fall. the only reason I can keep my eyes open right now is caffeine. I want to get an apartment off campus next year. I love Boston and I never want to leave. I can't wait to permanently move to San Francisco. I wanna be a professional baseball player. I also want a new camera, and to go to a good concert. and I want to see this kid I've been missing for like a month (saw him the other night but it was brief) and to listen to Cee-Lo Green. at least I have the means for that last one. peace.


  1. I like you. And am glad you're having fun :) But for Christ's sake get some sleep. And talk to me a lot, because I got way too used to being able to text you "meet me in an hour" and having it happen this past month. Stay warm, make a ruckus (one that would make Ruckus Pimp proud) and I'm gonna come visit you this semester, as soon as I get my shit together. We'll be in SF before you know it!
    Love lvoe levo lobe love you.

  2. :) you're my fave. sleep is my second fave, I'm trying. I WILL TALK TO YOU LOTS AND LOTS, and then we'll make a ruckus at Fenway in April and it'll be the greatest thing that's ever happened. :D :D :D
