Monday, April 12, 2010

so I asked a Mr. Mellor how to get to where one's going...

it turns out most of the musicians I love dearly have tremendous hero-worship crushes on Joe Strummer, the most notable one right now being Mr. Ted Leo. guys, if you don't listen to him, you SHOULD. and if you have never seen him live, YOU REALLY SHOULD. dude has so much energy, it's essentially impossible not to dance and jump and basically have a fantastic time while he's playing. I saw him by himself at this teeny little venue at my school in September and fell in love (and met him! he's wicked nice and apologized for being all sweaty when my friend and I sort of hugged him, ahaha). saw him again on Saturday night with his full band and had a big stupid grin on my face the entire time.

I'm not going to ramble on about songs and setlists because nobody but me listens to him anyway. but I attempted to post videos because this man is a) talented, b) hilarious, c) brilliant and d) adorable, to be quite honest, and it really comes across best when you see him sing, but alas, my internet connection starts going berserk every time I try to upload videos, so, FAIL. you'll just have to take my word for it.

also, during "Ballad of the Sin Eater," which I did not get a decent video of because I'm an idiot, he did a legitimately awesome Joe Strummer/Johnny Rotten-crazy-spastic-mad-frontman...thing. he put down the guitar and was just all over the place with the mike stand going crazy. it was awesome. my words do not do Ted Leo justice. GO SEE HIM. LOVE HIM.

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